American Recruiters Inc’s talent market report for 2021-22 provides business leaders, hiring managers and job seekers with a salary reference across various industries in Indonesia. This comprehensive salary guide is categorised by job functions from sectors across Consumer Goods, Technology, Health, Professional Services and Industrial.

The figures presented in our salary report are based on real data of the candidates American Recruiters Inc Indonesia interviewed and presented to clients in 2021, which are categorized by function, experience, and industry type.

In the current candidate short market, it’s more important than ever to stay on top of the substantial changes and trends. Download this in-depth talent market report to compare how much you are currently paying your employees with the market average or to compare the average salary people are earning in your same position.

What we can do for you

American Recruiters Inc is a full-service talent provider agency that offers a range of recruitment services to meet the specific needs of employers in Asia. Our strength is providing workforce solutions within talent short emerging recruitment markets, and using industry-leading technology to enable our search, screen, and selection processes to match the best talent with the right roles. Our expert teams are always on hand to help. If you would like to learn more about how we can help you find and secure top talent or if you are seeking your next opportunity, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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American Recruiters Inc | Executive Search Recruitment